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Our Policies

Below is a brief description of some of our Policies and Procedures for the nursery. In the entrance hall of the nursery we keep our full Policies and Procedures in our Operational Plan folder for parents to view if they wish parents can also view our policies on the parent login page on the website.

    Age of Admittance
    Safeguarding Policy
    Settling-in Procedure
    Illness and Medicines
    Emergency and Accidents
    Clothing and Possessions
    Valuables and Belongings
    Behaviour Management Policy
    Complaints Procedure
    Anti-Bias Practice Policy
    Opening Hours

1. Age of Admittance
South and West Croydon will accept children aged six (6) weeks to five (5) years. Purely will accept children two (2) years to five (5) years.

2. Safeguarding Policy
As a provider of day care, we have a responsibility to safeguard the children's welfare. The responsibility involves recognising, recording, and reporting any signs or incidents, which may harm the child's physical and psychological well being. The child protection co-ordinator for this nursery is the Proprietor. We are also required to record any injuries/bruises etc that your child comes to nursery with, and you will be asked to sign this.

3. Settling-in Procedure
For most children, starting at our nursery is their first experience of being away from the comfort and reassurance of their parents/carers.  It can be difficult for some but it is our intention to help all children feel at ease as soon as possible.  We do this with the help of parents where during the week prior to starting, there is a gradual build up of the time that the child is left without the parent. The objective is to help the child develop that sense of trust and confidence in the people working with him/her in the nursery.

NB. Most children would take an average of about a week to settle into the daily routines of the nursery.  However, should your child not settle within a reasonable period of time, we might suggest that you try again sometime later.

4. Illness and Medicines
If your child has a doubtful rash, diarrhoea, high temperature, discharge from either eyes or nose, been sick during the twenty-four hours prior to coming to the nursery, please keep him/her at home until the symptoms have been cleared and certified by the doctor to be non-contagious. Likewise, should your child develop any of the above symptoms, you will be contacted and should make arrangements to collect your child as soon as possible.

All medicines prescribed by the doctor should be clearly labelled and handed over together with a Medication Authorisation Form to a member of staff or the manager.  Please make sure that all instructions related to the dosage and frequency of administration is clearly detailed in the Medication Authorisation Form.

5. Absences
Please note that if for any reason, your child is unable to attend the nursery, or is going to be late, you should contact the nursery and inform the Manager.

6. Emergency and Accidents
Accidents do occur from time to time and whilst we expect this should never be more than a bruise or slight graze, we ask you to complete our consent form giving us permission to take your child to hospital should it be necessary.  We will of course contact the parent/carer so that he/she can meet us at the hospital if possible.

All accidents, however minor, will be recorded in the nursery Accident Book.  You will be informed and as acknowledgement, you will be required to sign the entries on each occasion.

7. Collection
Should any person other than the parents be required to collect your child from the nursery, you must supply relevant information about the person and a password.

You are welcome to collect your child at any time throughout the day. If you would like your child to be ready to go home, please telephone us 30 minutes prior to collection and we will ensure they are ready for you.

8. Clothing and Possessions
You will be supplied with a nursery bag to keep spare clothes in, please note that we only allow the nursery bag on your child’s peg and no other bags are permitted. Should you bring in another bag we will not be responsible for this bag. You should ensure that your child has at least two full sets of spare clothing in their bag and plenty of pants/knickers/socks and trousers if your child is toilet training. Please label all your child’s clothing as staff will not look for unlabelled clothing. The nursery supplies formula milk up to the age of 1 year old and cows milk thereafter. We also supply nappies and wipes up to the age of 27 months. Please provide nappy cream should your child require this. We also supply summer hats, winter hats and gloves for each child so please do not bring in your own as staff will not be responsible for them.

 9. Valuables and Belongings
Please do not send your child in with money or jewellery of any description.  Please also do not pack sweets, chocolate or any other foods, which may cause an allergy if offered by your child to another.  The nursery provides all food and snacks necessary during the course of their day here.

In the case of a new or younger child, a comforter may be brought in from home.  This must be marked with the child's name.  Parents are advised not to bring toys from home, as it can be difficult for other children when the child concerned is not willing to share. We will not be held responsible for any toys etc that are brought in from home.

10. Behaviour Management Policy
We believe that children and adults flourish best in an ordered environment in which everyone knows what is expected of them, and children are free to develop their play and learning without fear of being hurt, or hindered by anyone else.  We aim to work towards a situation in which children can develop self-discipline and self esteem in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement.

In order to achieve this:

•  Rules governing the conduct of the group and the behaviour of the children will be discussed and agreed within the nursery and explained to all newcomers, both children and adults.
•  All adults in the nursery will ensure that the rules are applied consistently so that the children have the security of knowing what to expect, and can build up useful habits of behaviour.
•  All adults will try to provide a positive role model for the children with regard to friendliness, care and courtesy.
•  Adults in the nursery will praise and endorse desirable behaviour such as kindness and a willingness to share.
•  We will take positive steps to avoid a situation in which children receive adult attention only when undesirable behaviour is evident.

When children behave in unacceptable ways:

•  They will be required to have a short 'time out' session either by himself or herself or with an adult before they rejoin the group. During this period, the adult might explain why the behaviour is not tolerated and the child will be given support to correct that behaviour over a period of time.
•  They will be assured that it is their misbehaviour that is not acceptable and not their personal selves.
•  They will not be subjected to any form of physical punishment like smacking or shaking.
•  They will not be humiliated or singled out with techniques like the 'naughty' chair.
•  They will be dealt with using strategies, which are developmentally appropriate, respecting the children's varying level of understanding and maturity.

All adults working with the children will be made aware of the cultural expectations regarding interaction between people and will be required to respect certain differences. Should a child be observed to show any form of racial discriminatory behaviour either through verbal abuse or actions, the staff will try to rectify the situation through explanation and projects based on awareness of equal opportunities.

They will also strive to work closely with parents whose children may have a recurring behavioural problem based on the understanding that some behavioural problems can arise from the children's disabilities e.g. the lack of an appropriate level of speech.

11. Complaints Procedure

Should you feel that you have reason to complain about any aspect of your child's welfare in the nursery, please ask to speak to the nursery manager so that the matter can be resolved effectively and as soon as possible.

If you still remain unsatisfied then please contact the Director following instructions in the Complaints Policy which you will find in the Parent Login section or in the operational plan in the entrance hall.

If you still remain unsatisfied you can then ring Ofsted on 0300 123 1231 .

Little Learners believes in the equal treatment of all persons and the opportunities open to them. Little Learners welcome all who apply for entry regardless of their race, ethnic origin, gender, culture or religion.

All staff are well briefed about our equal opportunities and anti-discriminatory policies. They must demonstrate equal opportunities and anti racism in their work with the children at all times.

12. Anti-Bias Practice Policy
Little Learners believes in the equal treatment of all persons and the opportunities open to them. Little Learners welcome all who apply for entry regardless of their race, ethnic origin, gender, disability, culture or religion.

All staff are well briefed about our anti-bias practice policy and anti-discriminatory policies. They must demonstrate equal opportunities and anti racism in their work with the children at all times.

13. Opening Hours
For those children that attend all year round, the nursery is open for 51 weeks per year, Monday to Friday - excluding two staff training days, bank holidays and statutory holidays between the hours of 8.00 am and 6.00 pm. However, we can provide extended opening/closing times if required, 7.30am until 6.30pm at an additional cost. We close at 12:30pm on Christmas Eve and re open the second working day after New Year’s Day (the first working day we will be closed for staff training).

Block Booking Sessions

    Full Week Five Days 8.00 am - 6.00 pm
    Block 5 mornings Five Days 8.00 am - 1.30 pm
    Block 5 afternoons Five Days 1.30 pm - 6.00 pm

Please note: Children attending the afternoon session must not arrive before 1.30 pm.

Late collection fees will be charged from a minute after the normal collection time at a rate of £10.00 for up to fifteen minutes and £10.00 for every subsequent quarter of an hour thereafter.

This is not only for insurance purposes but to ensure that the contracted hours of staff are not exceeded or the ratios broken.

14. Parking
The car parking spaces are limited at all the nurseries. 

At South Croydon parents/carers must only park in one of the four designated spaces and are not permitted to park in the keep clear areas. Parents must not park on the pavement immediately outside the nursery but at busy times should drive around the block until a parking space becomes free. West Croydon has four parking spaces and Purley has two parking spaces.

Parents must reverse into the parking spaces at all times.

Pedestrians must use the designated pathways.

Parents must supervise their children in the car parks and exercise great care when driving through the car park. The nursery accepts no responsibility for injury, damage or loss to persons, vehicles or property in the nursery car park.

Our Policies


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Nurseries in South Croydon
Hosted by NurseryWeb (FootfallCam Company)